College Expectations & Policies

  • Students are to wear the Formal College Uniform in its entirety and to do so in a manner that indicates pride in both their College and personal appearance.
  • Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items to the College. If a student must bring a valuable item to the College, it may be stored in the office at the owner's risk. It should be noted here that LOCKERS are provided for every student. Students should not leave items such as calculators and sports shoes in lockers overnight. The College's insurance policy deems that all items left in lockers are AT THE OWNER'S RISK.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the College grounds prior to the end of the College day without written notification from parents/caregivers. A student who has permission will need to report to Student Services and officially sign out prior to leaving College grounds.

CESA Policies and Information:

Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum Policy

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum Information for Parents and Caregivers

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy 2023

CESA Safe Environments for all

Cybersafety: Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World

Building Respectful Relationships Policy 

Building Respectful Relationships Procedure

e-Safety Support: Office of the e-Safety Commissioner

Click on the following links to view our Gleeson College Policies:

Acceleration Policy

Allergy Management

Assessment & Reporting Policy

Assessment Deadlines Policy incl. Academic Support

Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy 

Bushfire Response Plan 

CCTV Policy

Child Protection Policy

Critical Incident Policy

Code of Conduct for Parents, Caregivers and Visitors

Complaint Handling Procedure (SACCS 2020)

Concussion Guidelines and Policy 

Cybersafety: Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Policy

Evacuation Policy

Flexible Learning Policy

Homework Policy

ICT Acceptable Use - Students

Inclusive Education Lesson Allocation Process

Lateness/Absence Policy

Mobile Phones & Other Electronic Equipment Policy

Old Scholar Recognition Policy and Procedure

Parent/Student/Teacher Communications Policy

Physical Contact Policy

Privacy Policy

Prohibited Substances Policy

Sponsorship Policy 

Student Driver Policy

Student Personal Responsibility Policy

Student Recognition Policy

Subject Change Policy

Sun Protection Inclement Weather Policy

Uniform Policy

VET Access Policy

Visitor and Intruder Policy

Wellbeing Dog Policy

WHS and Injury Management Policy

Year Level Progression Policy


Additional SACCS Overarching Policies:

Pastoral Care Policy and Procedure

Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting in Catholic Schools Policy and Procedure

Building Respectful Relationships: Behaviour Education and Student Behaviour Support Policy and Procedure

Procedures for Suspension and Cancelling Enrolment