Flexible Pathways

At Gleeson College, we prioritize Career Development and Vocational Education, providing flexible learning and innovative teaching methods for students to gain workplace knowledge, industry-standard competencies, and nationally accredited Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. Students can complete one or two full or partial Certificates alongside their SACE, offering industry-standard qualifications upon completing secondary school.

Our students can pursue training courses at different levels in various industries, including construction, animal studies, plumbing, business, electrotechnology, and more. Career Education is integrated into the Middle School curriculum, helping students explore their interests, strengths, and career options. In Year 10, students research industries and careers, and in Year 11 and 12, they can nominate courses for workplace learning.

At Gleeson College, we offer on-site courses like Certificate I Doorways to Construction and Certificate III in Fitness, taught by qualified industry trainers. VET students access training across Adelaide, including TAFESA campuses and other specialized training centers. Completing VET during Stage 1 or 2 can contribute to apprenticeships, traineeships, and even university courses, with some institutions offering guaranteed entry based on Certificate III level qualifications.

Participating in Recognised Learning allows students to stay with their peer group and attend all the final year events, maintaining their identity as part of the Year 12 cohort until graduation. To learn more about flexible pathways at Gleeson College, contact our Flexible Pathways Leader, Thomas Blake, at thomas.blake@gleeson.catholic.edu.au.