Employment at Gleeson

Gleeson College is a Catholic coeducational, secondary college in the Northeast of Adelaide with an enrolment of approximately 940 students. Our school motto ‘With one heart’ says it all. We are a strong community, united in purpose with an excellent workplace culture and wonderful students. 

Gleeson College supports our staff with a unique set of staff values, a wellbeing framework, and an active and incredible Staff Association. Our teachers and education support officers are employed on the Catholic Schools Enterprise Agreement (2020).  

Continue scrolling down to see Employment Opportunities and TRT Expressions of Interest!

Employment Opportunities

Gleeson College is currently recruiting for the following positions:

Permanent Teacher + Position of Responsibility (POR 2) - VET and Interdisciplinary Studies Leader. Applications close 9am on Friday 18 April. 

English/ HaSS and Religious Education Teacher (Contract for Terms 2 and 3). Applications close 9am on Wednesday 9 April. 

Please view the job advertisements on the CESA website for more information.

All applications must be accompanied by an Applicant Declaration Form (pdf)

TRT Expressions of Interest

We welcome teachers looking for TRT work to submit the following documents to employment@gleeson.catholic.edu.au

  1. CV with details of three relevant referees 
  2. CESA Employment Declaration Form [Applicant Declaration Form (pdf)]
  3. Teachers Registration certificate
  4. Responding to Risks of Harm Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) certificate
  5. HLTAID012 Provide Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting certificate
    If you have another first aid certificate but not the HLTAID012, we can still proceed with the TRT expression of interest. However, you must provide a HLTAID012 certificate within a month of the Casual Contract being provided.
  6. Current DCSI / Working with Children’s Check
  7. Clearance to work in Catholic Education / Catholic Police Check
    If you have never worked in a Catholic school / it is expired, we can obtain this on your behalf. Please be mindful that we do not request this until reference checks have been completed, and it can take 1-2 months to obtain.
  8. Availability