Employment at Gleeson

Gleeson College is currently recruiting for the following position:


Please visit the CESA vacancies website for more information, including how to apply. 





Click here to view The Gleeson 10 (PDF)

Click here to view The Gleeson Staff 5 (JPG)

All applications must be accompanied by an Applicant Declaration Form (pdf)

TRT Applications

We welcome teachers looking for TRT work to submit the following documents to employment@gleeson.catholic.edu.au

1. CV with details of three relevant referees 

2. Teachers Registration certificate

3. Responding to Risks of Harm Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) certificate

4. HLTAID012 Provide Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting certificate

5. Clearance to work in Catholic Education and Current DCSI/Working with Children Check/Catholic Police Check

6. Availability