Key Capabilities

ThroughCatholic Education South Australia's Living Learning Leading Framework, Gleeson College helps nurture and shape thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world that God desires. TheLiving Learning Leading Frameworkunderpins everything we do, ensuring our students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive in a rapidly changing and complex world.

At the heart of our framework are seven key capabilities:

  • literate, numerate and effective communicators;
  • spiritually aware and inspired by faith;
  • self-aware, collaborative and socially adept;
  • intercultural, and globally minded;
  • knowledgeable, inquisitive and innovative;
  • moral, compassionate, and ecologically aware; and
  • confident and careful creators and users of ICTs.

A resource has been developed for each of the seven key capabilities outlined in the Living Learning Leading Framework, known as theKey Capabilities Continua. Co-constructed with students, for students, the Continua supports children and young people to grow, reflect on and evidence their capabilities in partnership with educators and families.

It is a pedagogical resource informed by Christian anthropology and theology of the child, and developed with the competence and capability of every children firmly in mind. The Key Capabilities Continua acknowledges that thriving involves the mind, the heart and the body. It will be used by our teachers and students to construct and reflect on their learning processes and will be a key resource for curriculum construction, reflection, metacognition, and learner agency.

Gleeson College has been engaging with the key capabilities through a trial last year, and subsequently informing our Personal Development Program for the Middle Years in 2020. The program will lead to the development of a Learner Profile and allow students to reflect on their learning journey, and who they are as a learner, in their Term 3 'Learner Conversations'.

"From this opportunity and reflecting on the resource as a whole, I believe I can use the Key Capabilities Continua as a resource and visual tool to help guide me to be my best self. The resource will be able to support me in my general interactions with others and provide guidance for improving in different areas of my life. I can easily see myself within the continua and I can clearly see my areas of growth. I think that using the Key Capabilities Continua will help me to develop confidence and grow as a person. It provides a roadmap for me as a person growing up and supports me by providing direction, as it is always helpful to see where you are going." - James Attick (Year 10 2020)

"I believe the Key Capabilities Continua will support me to develop my leadership skills. I can see myself using the Continua when leading a group of people. I think that when you are leading you could align the capability strengths of the people in the group and utilise these. The Key Capabilities Continua will also help me to identify how I can collaborate more effectively with others. It also supports my leadership as it helps me to identify my own strengths and challenges, allowing me to reflect on these. Through reflection, I can also support others with their challenges. I see the Key Capabilities Continua as a tool for reflection and self-evaluation. It helps me to articulate who I am as a person and will support me in sharing this as I transition into the workforce or tertiary environment. I believe it will help people to understand each other and value each person's dignity and uniqueness."- Renee Damiani (Year 10 2020)


Photo (L-R): James Attick (Year 10 2020), CESA Director Dr Neil McGoran and Mia Damiani (Year 10 2020) at the Key Capabilities Conference

Such student reflections are exciting, and reaffirm the important nature of this work, which focuses on the skills of the student and their holistic development over their time at Gleeson College. The key capabilities will become more evident in all areas of curriculum as the year progresses and we will engage with our families to help with aspects of the program as well.

We truly believe that developing their key capabilities will help our young people thrive throughout their lives through their schooling, and beyond.